In the enchanted kingdom of Frozen, Christmas is a magical time when the landscape takes on a charming icy mantle. It is from here that the glass decorations of this collection come, enveloped in fake ice to make them even brighter and more dazzling. The "icy" decorations include silver bead branches, reminiscent of frozen crystals, candle holders and Christmas tree baubles, coated with synthetic ice flakes, and flowers in polar shades. Choose them for your store and turn it into a world of ice and snow. Combine these decorations with maxi cones featuring fully-fledged bracts, which can be used to create magnificent centrepieces and for decorations to be hung on the walls or from the chandelier alongside pine branches. With their warm, nature-based hues, the maxi cones grant a relaxed, natural atmosphere, like in a fairy forest.

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